140730 Super Junior′s Leeteuk Holds Private Fanmeeting with Fans After Army Release

Super Junior′s Leeteuk may have left his army base without a special event, but he held a private fanmeeting for his fans later that day.

Leeteuk met with his fans in Seoul on July 29. The fanmeeting took place for about an hour, and none of it was revealed to the public.

It is said Leeteuk wanted to meet only with his fans.

He thanked his fans and talked about how it felt to be released from his duties.

He also answered questions fans had turned in for the event, and read out a handwritten letter.

The other Super Junior members congratulated Leeteuk through a video message.

It is also said Leeteuk emphasized to his fans that he hoped word of what happened at the fanmeeting would not find its way outside.

Fans have thus been trying to be careful not to talk about the fanmeeting on social networks.


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